
Saturday 20 February 2016

How Close Are We To An Invisibility Cloak?

An Ultra thin Invisibility Skin Cloak for Visible Light (Science Magazine)
"Here, we demonstrate experimentally an ultra thin invisibility skin cloak wrapped over an object. This skin cloak conceals a three-dimensional arbitrarily shaped object by complete restoration of the phase of the reflected light at 730-nano meter wavelength."

This Skintight 'Invisibility Cloak' is Able to Hide Any 3-D Object - As Long As It's Super Tiny (Washington Post)
"Unlike previous attempts at invisibility cloaks -- which are a big ticket research item, especially for the military -- this one is actually sort of cloak-like. Instead of a large apparatus that makes an object appear to disappear, this one is actually thin enough to wrap around the thing it's hiding."

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